Perhaps they might even say that she deserved to starve. With their limited understanding, they might say she was morally bankrupt, a bad girl, and stained for life. They are wrong. The sad thing is Julia would probably agree with them.
On the grass-strip median was her tiny baby asleep in a ragged blanket, next to a basket of oranges. I handed the mom blanket 1 out the window of my taxi.
If we don’t impact the future of children, we have no lasting impact. If we want to touch immortality and have our actions live beyond our last heartbeat, all we need to do is change the life of a child.
There is a frequent visitor to the orphanages in Ecuador. He was not actually an orphan as a child but was adopted. He likes to visit because he can relate to the what the kids are going through. He has experienced the very same pain and is a huge comfort to the kids.
Though she had her 16th birthday last week, Lucy is a one-year-old. For those of you who live in a concrete world where the last sentence is impossible, let me invite you into Lucy’s world.
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